Up to the minute weather data from our Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station in Vail, Arizona (31° 58' 54.73" N, 110° 41' 56.00" W) Elevation 3510' |
02/04/25 8:57pCurrent ConditionsCurrent Temperature: 54.5�FHumidity: 15% Dewpoint: 7.7�F Wind: SE at 0.0 mph 5 Minute Avg. Wind Speed: 0.0 mph Wind Chill: 54.5�F Heat Index: 50.8�F Barometric Pressure29.885in & Rising SlowlyPrecipitationToday's Rain: 0.00inStorm Rain: 0.00in Rain This Month: 0.00in Rain This Year: 0.23in Highs and LowsHigh Temperature: 83.8�F at 2:01pLow Temperature: 48.8�F at 4:34a High Humidity: 24% at 3:32a Low Humidity: 2% at 2:40p High Dewpoint: 16.0�F at 2:29a Low Dewpoint: -16.0�F at 3:35p High Wind Speed: 0.0mph at ---- Low Wind Chill: 49.0�F at 3:30a High Heat Index: 79.0�F at 1:48p This MonthHigh Temperature: 85.1�FLow Temperature: 36.2�F Low Wind Chill: 36.0�F High Wind: 0.0 This YearHigh Temperature: 85.1�FLow Temperature: 25.3�F Low Wind Chill: 25.0�F High Wind: 0.0 AlmanacSunrise: 7:15aSunset: 5:58p Moon Phase: First Quarter All-Time Records(Since 6/24/2006)High Temp: 112.9�F on 6/19/2016 Low Temp: 12.6�F on 2/3/2011 |
/--img src="THW.gif" alt="Current THW Index" class="weatherimg"--//> Note: "Storm Rain" displays the rain total of the last rain event. A rain event begins when .02" of rain has fallen, and ends when a 24 hour period has passed without at least .01" of rain. |