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Live Weather Observations
Up to the minute weather data from our Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station in Vail, Arizona (31° 58' 54.73" N, 110° 41' 56.00" W) Elevation 3510'

02/04/25 8:57p

Current Conditions

Current Temperature: 54.5�F
Humidity: 15%
Dewpoint: 7.7�F
Wind: SE at 0.0 mph
5 Minute Avg. Wind Speed: 0.0 mph
Wind Chill: 54.5�F
Heat Index: 50.8�F

Barometric Pressure

29.885in & Rising Slowly


Today's Rain: 0.00in
Storm Rain: 0.00in
Rain This Month: 0.00in
Rain This Year: 0.23in

Highs and Lows

High Temperature: 83.8�F at 2:01p
Low Temperature: 48.8�F at 4:34a

High Humidity: 24% at 3:32a
Low Humidity: 2% at 2:40p

High Dewpoint: 16.0�F at 2:29a
Low Dewpoint: -16.0�F at 3:35p

High Wind Speed: 0.0mph at ----

Low Wind Chill: 49.0�F at 3:30a

High Heat Index: 79.0�F at 1:48p

This Month

High Temperature: 85.1�F
Low Temperature: 36.2�F
Low Wind Chill: 36.0�F
High Wind: 0.0

This Year

High Temperature: 85.1�F
Low Temperature: 25.3�F
Low Wind Chill: 25.0�F
High Wind: 0.0


Sunrise: 7:15a
Sunset: 5:58p
Moon Phase: First Quarter

All-Time Records

(Since 6/24/2006)

High Temp: 112.9�F on 6/19/2016
Low Temp: 12.6�F on 2/3/2011

Current Outside Temperature Current Wind Chill Current Outside Heat Index Outside Temp History
Current Outside Dewpoint Current Outside Humidity
Current Wind Direction Current Wind Speed
Current Barometer Barometer History
Rain since 12:00am Storm Rain Rain this Month Yearly Total Rain
Note: "Storm Rain" displays the rain total of the last rain event. A rain event begins when .02" of rain has fallen,
and ends when a 24 hour period has passed without at least .01" of rain.